Refund Policy


Lincoln College assumes that all prospective students will have thought long and hard about taking up a course and therefore applying for admission. However, no matter how well intentioned one is, the college understands that there are many reasons for wishing to withdraw from a course, both before and after courses have commenced. Consequently, the college policy on refund of fees upon withdrawal is as follows:

Once a student has been fully enrolled, no refund is permitted or shall be made except in circumstances and situation where the college is advised in writing at least four weeks before the commencement date of the courses.No refund is permitted or shall be made when a student withdraws once classes have commenced.

In case where a prospective student is refused a student visa due to college visa letter, the College will refund all fees paid less a GBP150 administration fee. However, in such an event, no refund will be made unless the college has received all original copies of the college letters of enrolment plus an original copy of refusal from the appropriate immigration authority. If students have requested for the judicial review against the visa refusal, refunds will not be processed until the outcome of the review.

No refund is permitted or shall be made if a student enters the UK on a student visa obtained on the basis of the college letters of acceptance and enrolment. Refunds will not be made to a third party unless Lincoln college receives explicit authorization from the applicant to do so. This should be in the form of a signed letter from the applicant specifically authorizing Lincoln College to refund the student fees to a given third party. This condition applies regardless of the source of the original fee payment.

Refund requests may take up to four weeks to process from the date of the receipt of the required documents. While the College recognizes that this delay may not be convenient, the security checks made on refund request are designed to ensure the security of any such payment. No refund is permitted or shall be made when a student decides to leave the college for whatever reason after an extension of a student visa has been obtained through College facilitation.

If a prospective student has submitted a forged document or documents which do not get verified with a view to obtain entry clearance, such a prospective student will not have his or her fees refunded by the College. The refund request must be made within 45 days from the date of visa refusal Overseas students will not be eligible for a refund once they have used the Colleges facilities to obtain a UK Student Visa or other travel permit to study at Lincoln College.

No Refund will be given if the refusal of the application is due to any reason as stated by the visa officer that are created due to students actions. For example, lack of minimum required funds on submitted evidence as required by UKBA, making a false representation to obtain a Visa Letter from us, not submitting the original documents with the application as mention in our Visa letter, submitting of the application for visa when less than 30 days are left for the start of classes and any other reason where College has not been blamed by the visa authorities for refusing of student application.

It is also required by college that the student must use the justify of the administrative review given the visa authorities, if college advise the student to do so. In this case any refund request will be entertain AFTER the administrative review decision is announced.


Full refund of the registered course may only be made to the prospective student if the Lincoln College fails to run any of its advertised courses. Although the College will always endeavor to respond to refund requests with sense of urgency, under normal circumstances it takes up to six weeks to process a refund

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